Making Uncrustables at home is so fun and easy, especially if you have all the right tools. Your kids will love making Uncrustables at home and you'll save money too!
My kids love Uncrustables. Kyle so much so that he chose them in the school cafeteria almost every single day in first grade. I'm not really a food snob too much, and I don't think you have to make them instead of buying them for preservative and clean eating reasons... because believe me, we make "good" food choices, but I'll still buy sugary non-organic cereal until the day I die.

How to Make Uncrustables
Making your own Uncrustables is super satisfying although there is a learning curve to getting them to turn out just right. You will need to purchase an Uncrustable maker to have these turn out just right, although I imagine you might able able to get away with using a wide mouth canning jar for a similar effect. To make Uncurstables, you'll essentially just make a PBJ sandwich and then cut it out with your cutter. There are a few things that make it much easier though, which I'll speak to in more detail below.
Before we get started, you can purchase an Uncrustable Maker: HERE
Before we get started, you can purchase an Uncrustable Maker: HERE
Don't Use Too Much PBJ for Homemade Uncrustbales:
I quickly learned that if you use too much PBJ and it will make an explosive mess with your Uncrustable maker. For best practices you should just do a thin layer of PB and a thin layer of jam on each of your bread slices and then put them together like a typical sandwich, then press. If you have too much peanut butter or jam, it will ooze everywhere and make a mess.

The Best Bread for Homemade Uncrustables:
I find that the best bread for making Uncrustables at home is the Sara Lee Delightful bread. Not sponsored by any means, but the bread slices are just cut thinner than other breads. We tried using traditional white bread like Grandma Sycamore's here in Utah and it was far too thick and made a mess with the Uncrustable Maker. I think the Sara Lee Delightful bread is available Nationwide in the United States, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it!
Press Harder Than You Think
When you push the Uncrustable maker down, you need to press so that it makes contact with the plate, and then I like to twist it left and right a bit to completely cut the sandwich away from the rest of the bread. Kind of like making sugar cookies.
Have you ever used one of these Cut and Seal Uncrustable Makers from Pampered Chef? It's probably my new favorite kitchen gadget of all time.
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We LOVE in crustables around our house but they can definitely get pricey and I always prefer my own sandwich to the taste of the store bought ones. This is such a great idea!