Giving The Kids Lunchtime Control

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This post is sponsored by Stonyfield® Organic Kids® - a brand that we've consistently trusted for
our kids over the last six years.

This school year is proving to be an insanely hard one for our family. Between Derek's work schedule and my own, me going back to school to finish my degree, running the kids around to various appointments, and church/community responsibilities, more days than not I've had to heed the advice from many people that I can't do it all. And that I need to delegate responsibilities so that I don't go crazy. This has looked like neighbors helping me with kids after school, friends who jump in to help with weekly church activities, and delegating the role of lunch making to Jay. If he's going to be eating his school lunch, he might as well pack it right?

If I'm going to have Jay make his own lunch, then it's my job as a mom to set him up for success. We love keeping our fridge stocked with various Stonyfield® Organic Kids® products because their Pouches and Smoothies make for easy organic lunch box options, and are a quick grab and go for a hectic day! I also love that Stonyfield® Organic Kids® has 25-40% less sugar than the leading kid's yogurt brands, and that there are no artificial colors or flavors.

In addition to having a good supply of Stonyfield® Organic Kids® products, I like to keep a wide variety of easy produce on hand for Jay to pack his lunch with. I love things like mini bell peppers, strawberries, grapes, celery, etc... because I can wash and prep them for the week ahead of time, and then Jay just has to get them out of the containers and put them in the little compartments of his lunchbox. 

As a mom, it's important to me to know what my kid is eating at lunch everyday, and the easiest way to know that is having him bring food from our own home. I let Jay have the independence of buying his lunch at school for a few weeks this year after being impressed with all the healthy things it sounded like he was eating each day, only to find out that things that sounded healthy were actually coated in loads of extra sugar, and had ingredients that I didn't want my child consuming. It makes me grateful for companies like Stonyfield® Organic Kids® that are transparent about the wholesome ingredients they use and their ingredients are made by real organic farmers.

What items do you like to pack in your kids lunch? I'd love to hear about them in the comments below! 
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Stonyfield® Organic Kids®


  1. My son loves yogurt so he would love this lunch! My daughter doesn't like yogurt. I normally pack a "lunchable", crackers, cheese, meat, fruit, and veggies!

  2. The lunch box is the coolest box ever! Love it!

  3. I love that lunchbox! Great ideas for school lunches :) So glad my kids get their healthy lunches from the school, though...

  4. My kiddos love planning their own lunch. These yogurt packets on the go are a great option and help with traditional yogurt mess.

  5. The lunch box is the coolest box ever! I love yogurt....!!!

  6. I think teaching kids to make and prepare their own lunches is a step by step process but oh so worth it once you do it.

  7. Looks like a nice lunch box. Lunch should be healthy and nutritious so it's a great you can fill it so nicely!

  8. I love this lunch box. I think it's so cool.

  9. Cool lunch box ideas! My son loves Stonyfield, we pack it as a snack for him.

  10. I love to pack lunch like you, different fruits and veggies and then a main. NOrmally I wuld do a Sandwich, a wrap or even tamales.

  11. This lunch box looks so cuteee !! It is quite enough nutritious for Lunch. The box seems so great for Kids lunchtime ^^

  12. This is such a great idea! I love the design and concept of this lunch and I love all of the healthy choices. My son is in love with his fruit so he would definitely be all over this. I'll have to try it out, thanks for sharing!

  13. What an important post! What kids eat is vital to how the rest of their lives will turn out. I like to encourage healthy eating and my kids are starting to prefer it! Thanks for sharing.
