DIY Minion Juice Box Cover

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Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved

I remember when Despicable Me came out during my second year of college. I saw it in theaters three times in one week. And because we were in Provo, UT AKA dating capital of the world, I saw it with three separate guys, Derek being one of them. To say I was obsessed is a slight understatement. Now that I have an almost-three-year-old it's becoming more and more acceptable for me to be watching it all the time again. I'm not even mad about it one bit.

This August we have three birthdays in our family. Em's, Jay's and mine. I'm already in party planning mode, and am planning on going attack of the Minions for Jay's party. Because what's better than Minions? Every three-year-old's dream, I promise.

When I was at Food Lion a few weeks ago I saw these Mott's Apple Juice boxes and knew they would be perfect for part of Jay's birthday party. I love Mott's Apple Juice, and their new Minion packaging is adorable. The Minion packaging is only available in-store until July 31st though, so I made sure to buy a few packs so we would have some for Jay's Birthday come August. I got the plain apple flavor, but you can also find Tropical Ba-na-na which sounds delicious. Plus, thanks to the little DIY project I have for you today, you can make a little Minion cover for your juice boxes which little boys will love, and they add more Minion decor to your party. A win-win situation for sure.

PS. today through the 30th at Food Lion you can buy any two Mott's 64oz or 6-pack Juice products and get a FREE 6-pack of Mott's Applesauce... and I personally tried the "strawberry ba-na-na" flavor, and it's delicious... so pick that one. 

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved

Mott's Apple Juice Boxes
Blue Card Stock
Yellow Cardstock
Black Cardstock
White Cardstock
Google Eyes
Glue Stick
Black Magic Marker

Start off by tracing around one of the juice boxes on the yellow card stock. Do this for as many juice boxes as you are planning on serving, and then cut out all of the rectangles. This will be the base of your Minion.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Next trace the width of the yellow paper onto the blue paper, and make it about half of the height of the yellow paper. This doesn't have to be super exact, just eyeball it.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved

Then cut out the blue square you just made and trace it again so that you have the same amount of blue squares as yellow rectangles.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Next, cut out a triangle shape from each side of the blue square, and trapezoid from the middle of the blue square (shown below), this will make your blue square into overalls... and all Minions wear overalls so this is a must.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Then trace your overall shape for all of the blue squares and cut them out.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Next, using your glue stick, glue the blue overalls to the bottom half of your yellow rectangle.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Then take your google eyes, and glue either one big eye, or two smaller eyes to the Minion's head.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Then using the white card stock, cut out a shape for the minions mouth, and then draw in the teeth, and glue them to the Minion's head under the eyes.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Next, take your black card stock and cut thin 1-2 inch strips. This will be the Minion's hair, you'll want about three thin little pieces for each Minion.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Glue three little black stripes at the top of the back side of each Minion.

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Using your black magic marker, trace a circle around the eyeballs and then draw two lines extending out from the eyeballs (shown below).
Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved

Minions © 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved
Once you've drawn the goggle straps onto all of the Minion's tape or glue the Minions to the front of your juice box, and of course, admire your handiwork.

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1 comment

  1. Haha oh my this is too cute!!! You are so creative, I love stopping by your blog!! I am totally doing this for my niece she would freak! Thanks for the inspo!
