What I Wish I Bought For Baby #1

Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets (Buy Here)| Joovy Caboose Ultralight Stroller (Buy Here)| Vick's Warm Mist Humidifier (Buy Here)| Baby Bath Tub (Buy Here)| Bumbo Seat: (Buy Here

As a first time mom I felt guilty and selfish for picking more expensive items on my baby registry and always picked my cheapest option for each category. Somethings I deemed unimportant and didn't include them at all. Most of the things I cheaped out on I regretted. A long with the things I didn't purchase at all. 

1. Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets: Jay loved being swaddled all the time. We swaddled him to bed every night for the first 8 months of his life. A good swaddle blanket is something we should have invested in, but instead we went for the cheap flannel ones which are useless and more like a large burp cloth. These muslin blankets from Aden + Anais are super stretchy and the swaddle stays put. I was super jealous of all my friends who had these. 

2. A Good Double Stroller: When pregnant with my first child I didn't think through to the fact that the second child wasn't going to be too far behind. Making our single stroller useless. Had I thought through things more I would have purchased a convertible double stroller like this Joovy Caboose Ultra Light Stroller. There is a place for Jay to sit/stand in the back and it's compatible with all infant car seats. We spent $200 on our first stroller, and will probably put $200 into another one. Save yourself some time and money and just get the double from the beginning. 

3. A Humidifier: Had I known all the respiratory issues Jay was going to have from the get go (RSV, Croup twice, bronchitis, and pneumonia all in 18 months), I  would have purchased this humidifier from the beginning. I didn't and wound up borrowing this one from a neighbor countless times, (thanks Charisse). 

4. Bumbo Floor Seat: Jay was sitting up pretty early and really enjoyed it. It would have been nice to be able to sit him up in a seat and make him happy while I did the dishes instead of letting him scream during tummy time on a blanket on the floor. Another item that caused me mommy jealousy among friends. 

5. A Baby Bath: I figured, "Hey, we have a bath tub, why would I want to buy another one?" Because your newborn baby cannot sit in the bath tub, and preventing said baby from drowning, and trying to clean them at the same time while your husband is at work is a lot easier said then done. Spend the $16 and make your life, and the baby's a lot less traumatic. 


  1. I wish I had bought a manual for my first child!

    Here are some of my favorite baby products.... I lived for that screen and the Boppy head pillow!


  2. I hope you get all of these things with your second child :) I'll definitely have to remember this for when I have kids one day!


  3. I LOVE Aden & Anais swaddle blankets. So great for summer babies because they can be swaddled but won't get over heated since the material is so light weight.

    The bumbo was good too (lots of people selling gently used ones at garage sales and craigslist- got it for $15). I only used it for about 3 months though.

    My mom said I didn't need one of those baths and just told me to bathe her in the sink but my sink is often stacked with a few dishes so I registered for it. I recommend the one that comes with a detachable mesh sling to use the first few months so they aren't sliding around.


  4. These are great tips that I will definitely be referencing in the next few months!
